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How to Save Money like the Amish in 2024

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Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Is your budget feeling tight due to inflation? A lot of people are struggling, but one group of people continues to thrive, even in the most challenging of economic times: The Amish. Today, I am going to share with you 8 ways to Save Money like the Amish, even in 2024.

save money like the amish

I may or may not be obsessed with the Amish. I know they have their flaws. They are not immune to the sins of the world. However; I have always found their old-fashioned and simple ways just beautiful. Growing up in central Indiana, the Amish have always been a part of my life. As an adult, we lived near an Amish community for a few years. We took trips to Amish communities, rode in buggies, and even befriended a family of Amish that are neighbors with my in-laws.

8 Ways to Save Money like the Amish

Live Within Your Means

Amish communities emphasize living within their means and generally avoid borrowing money. They work for what they need and pay cash. Bartering, a lost art form for most of us, is another way they utilize payment. They don’t believe in instant gratification, so large purchases take time and savings.

How to Start Living Below Your Means in 2024

Practicing Contentment

The Amish are a religious group that live their life according to the Holy Bible. Scripture tells us in Hebrews 13:5 “5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”- ESV

The Amish take this verse seriously. They don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. They have what they need and are content with that, by allowing God to provide and having faith that He will.

Buying in Bulk

Where I grew up, there is local bulk store that is frequently visited from locals, to Amish families, to tourists. Amish communities often buy grains and sugars in large quantities, which can be cheaper than buying smaller amounts. As long as the items aren’t going to waste and you have the money set aside to make these bulk purchases, they can save lots of money in the long run.

Cooking from Scratch

Cooking from scratch is cheaper than buying prepared or prepackaged foods, which are often high in sodium and preservatives. If you’re cooking from scratch, you will also really benefit from buying in bulk. The Amish are known for being amazing cooks!

The biggest snuff I hear about cooking from scratch is that people just don’t have the time. Pick one day of the week you can devote to cooking. Cooking from scratch doesn’t have to be something extreme, as most modern Americans think. Grab some meat and vegetables and toss them in your crockpot. Your bank account and body will thank you.

40+ Easy Frugal Crockpot Meals You’ll Love

Gardening and Canning

The first thing that pops into my head when I think about the Amish are their impressive gardens. Even those that don’t farm as a means of income, have their own home garden. They also have large cellars full of their own homegrown food canned to last them until next growing season.

A lot of people feel this isn’t doable due to time, money, land, etc. Start small by growing some herbs in your window. Have a tomato plant on your balcony. Grow potatoes in a bucket. Start small and keep adding as the years come. You can also take your discounted grocery produce and freeze or can to tide you over.

Plain Living

The Amish are known as “The Plain People”. From their homes to their clothing. They don’t wear extravagant jewelry, drive fancy cars (most don’t drive at all), their kids don’t have 100 toys, and they don’t chase fads. Whether you consider yourself a minimalist or a maximalist, I think we can all learn something from the Amish in this area.

This can include dropping subscriptions, take modest vacations, skip the fancy restaurants, make coffee at home. Whatever you can do to simplify and reduce will be a step in the right direction.

How to Become a Minimalist Family

Obtaining a Skill

Most skills are just a way of life for the Amish. Sewing, gardening, and making repairs are things that are a necessity. Many of these skills are lost on most of us that live a typical American lifestyle. That doesn’t mean we have to stay that way.

Youtube is free catalog of how to learn so many new skills. This is how my family personally saves so much money. Home repairs, car repairs, meal planning, gardening, sewing, coding, web design, graphic design, and home school resources are just a small sampling of what we have searched and learned to do through this free platform.

Frugal Living

Overall, the Amish practice many frugal living practices. They take make do or do without to a new level. Such as, shopping bent and dent stores, yard sales, and thrift stores. They enjoy free or very inexpensive hobbies like birding and hiking. Due to a lack of electricity, they line dry their clothing. They tend to give modest and homemade gifts. Whether you’re living with electricity or not, many of these principles can be applied to our own lives.

10 Simple Ways to be More Frugal in 2024

Further Research

Want to dig further into this topic? Here are some books I have personally enjoyed on the Amish lifestyle and others ways they save money! Check your library first or use my Amazon affiliate links below.

Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving

Almost Amish: One Woman’s Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life

Amish Values for Your Family: What We Can Learn from the Simple Life

There you have it. You don’t need to be Amish to put many of these suggestions into practice. I guarantee if you apply even a few of these principles, you will see the savings start to add up.

Do you incorporate any of these into your lifestyle? Let me know, in the comments below!

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