Welcome Friends!
I am so glad you’re here. I love Jesus and my family. I find joy in the simple things in life. I get giddy when I save a few dollars. I love breaking bread and listening to Indie Folk.
Since I got married, I felt like I was called to do more. While I love homemaking and homeschooling, creativity is something I thrive on. I appreciate you giving my passion a chance.
My Favorite verse!
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
I have my degree in graphic design. I taught myself web design at the age of 12.
I got married at age 20. My husband and I have been together for 12+ years.
The idea of homeschooling was never on my radar. I went back to school to pursue a degree in elementary education when I had a change of heart. I saw children like my son struggling in the classroom. I devoted the next 2 years to figuring out what home education was all about.

how I got Here
Why I Love What I Do
It’s pretty simple. Since 2011, I have jumped from one thing to the next. I started my first blog around the time I became pregnant in 2012. I shared a few recipes. I then moved on to photography. I did that on and off, but eventually, decided I wanted to be a teacher. I realized how broken the education system was and started gearing up to teach my own child at home. I’d jump back and forth between baby sitting gigs, photography sessions, random graphic projects for friends, even making tshirts on an etsy shop, but nothing stuck.
I played around with youtube a lot. I eventually decided to focus on homeschooling videos. I eventually attained the “magic number”, 1000 subscribers. This triggered something in me. It wasn’t that I wasn’t motivated or talented, it was like I didn’t have consistency. Maybe you’ve been there. I gave myself a goal with this blog, 18 months to start earning an income. Nothing major, just some extra money to throw at debt or for travel. Most importantly, I want to help others during my children’s nap time. It’s that simple.
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Coffee
White chocolate mocha
Favorite Food
Favorite Animal
Favorite BooK genre
Amish romance (yes, really)
Favorite Hobby

You, My Friend
have come to the right place
If you enjoy looking for a good bargain, decluttering a closet for fun, or spending your afternoon laminating for a homeschool lesson, you are my people.
Even if you don’t enjoy those things, I hope you will learn and take away something to help you grow and learn.