The Best Open-Ended Toys on a Budget
Being a homeschooling mother to four children spanning from ages 11 down to 1, it could easily feel like we are drowning amongst the toys. I remember my oldest having a toy in every shape, size, color, brand, category, you name it! Sadly, it wasn’t until my third that I learned that open-ended toys really do provide wonderful avenues for creativity, development, imagination, and growth in your children.

Open-ended toys have created a lot of buzz in recent years. Many think they these toys are not attainable due to cost. “We need white walls, with wooden toy shelves, and thousands of dollars!” I’m here to inform you that is not true! Open-ended toys are easier to find now than ever! You just have to know what you’re looking for and where to find them!
This blog post will include some basic questions about what they are, my personal favorites for any budget, and where to find them!
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are open-ended play toys?
Open-ended toys are basically toys that can be played with in multiple ways. I can get out a bin of blocks for my four children and all four will find a different way to play with them. Since there isn’t a clear end goal, this can really spark imagination and creativity in your children and is wonderful for their development.
Are open-ended toys better? Are close-ended toys bad?
While numerous studies have shown that children who played with simple, open-ended toys were more likely to engage in creative play, problem solving, peer interaction, and language development, that doesn’t mean that all other types of toys are bad. Close-ended toys have their place too. Would you consider shape sorters, puzzles, and books bad for children or their development? Of course not. They just have a clear end goal. Both have their place, but in recent years, toys have been designed that tend to do every thing for the child, leaving little room for them to create the purpose of the toy themselves.
What are the benefits of open-ended toys?
Open-ended toys allow your child to develop cognitive skills/problem solving skills. They have to figure out how to use it and play with it. It fosters creativity by learning how to play with it.. Unlike electronic toys which are stimulating, children can come up with their own ideas on how to play. Open-ended toys can help build independent play. It also allows an opportunity to build communication skills.
My Favorite Open-Ended Toys
Magnetic Tiles
Magnetic tiles have been a wonderful addition to our home. They are most played with by my seven and two year old. They will spend an hour building towers, houses, stables, race tracks, and more! There are more top name brands out there, but we don’t have those particular tiles and they are still top quality and have held up amazingly well in the 18 months we’ve had them. They also make different add-ons to make the sets even more fun, such as a maze run.
Train Tracks
My oldest has been a train lover since he was a toddler, so train sets were never new to me. One thing I did despise were electric trains. I’ve had two stuck in my hair (and I’ve heard I’m not alone). They were always fun for a short time, but after about 15 minutes it was on to the next thing, unless you have a child who is train obsessed.
That is, until we started swapping out our electric train sets for wooden train sets. Not only did the tracks get more interesting, but play time started to last longer, and everyone from the oldest to the youngest was enthralled. We still have our first sets that are 12 years old and they are still holding up extremely well! As with the magnetic tiles, there are some top dollar brands, but some of the less expensive options will work great too!
Wooden Blocks
We actually have two sets of wooden blocks: a set of plain, large chunky blocks and colored, smaller blocks a friend passed down to us. My children thoroughly enjoy both sets. As with the magnetic tiles, they enjoy building towers and houses, but these are perfect for fences and risers for their figures and other toys. We also have a set of square blocks that can be put together to build a puzzle, but they have never been used as such. They are the perfect size for chubby baby hands.
Toy Animals and Play Figures
Our set of toy animals have been a cherished toy by all of my children. They were gifted to my oldest a decade ago, likely purchased at the Dollar Tree. He didn’t care, nor did we. They have lasted the test of time and been through four children’s antics. These are their go to toys to use with the other open-ended toys I have already mentioned.
Play figures can be pretty broad. Some people will recommend wooden peg dolls, but I have found another option that has lasted years and is well loved by my children, and that is Little People. They are easy to find, inexpensive, and come in so many varieties! They have really fun ones, like beloved characters, but that would make it a close-ended toy vs open-ended. Nothing wrong with having both, as we certainly do!
Lincoln Logs
I hardly ever see this listed and I’m not sure why! This has been a beloved toy for generations! My children absolutely love reading and watching the Little House on the Prairie, so being able to recreate their own little log cabins, fences, barns, etc is so exciting to them! Lincoln Logs is actually a brand name, but there are several off brand versions now, making them more affordable and easier to find second hand.
Ah, yes, the iconic toy of childhood. Lego has Mega Blocks, Duplos, and Classics, hitting every age group! We have owned Mega Blocks, but we honestly skip over and generally head straight to Duplos. Another toy that my youngest to my oldest will sit and play with together forever! Legos are endless!
We started buying specific sets, based on our children’s interests, and have started moving away from that. Again, it felt boxed in on what they could create. Some pieces could only be used for this or that, and needed this part to make it work. It took the creativity out of it. If you don’t have any, I would start with a good set with various sizes and colors.
Pretend Play
Pretend play toys are the epitome of open-ended. We have baby dolls, baby carriers, a kitchen, play toys, utensils, and cleaning supplies. Basically, anything to mimic an aspect of their lives. I can’t tell you how many times one of my children has strapped on a baby doll and vacuumed their room, just as they saw Mom or Dad do. And no, not just our only daughter. Surprisingly, all of our sons have enjoyed baby wearing dolls and playing kitchen as well.
Where do I buy open-ended toys on a budget?
Consignment Sales
This is my absolute favorite place to buy toys, clothes, shoes, everything! I have gotten so many wonderful open-ended toys at children’s consignment sales in my area. They are generally held annually, semi-annually, or seasonally depending where you live. Not only do I get so many great options, but the prices are fabulous!
Consignment Stores/Thrift Stores
I have been able to find several of our favorites second hand at our local Once Upon a Child. This is where I found our magnetic tiles and a large set of wooden train tracks. My son had expressed wanting a turntable for his train set for Christmas and by the Lord’s grace, I saw it within seconds of entering the store and snagged a huge bag that included the turntable, 6 trains, and a few dozen track pieces, all for $25! A new turntable alone was $50!
Goodwill is another place I have had luck with on finding things like Legos, blocks, and animals.
Facebook Marketplace/Online Thrift Stores
Facebook Marketplace and online stores like eBay are also great places to find great deals on open-ended toys. Just be careful about meeting up with people you don’t know in person.
Yard Sales
I will be honest, I LOVE YARD SALES! However; I rarely find good open-ended toys. Generally, I can find about a dozen of the same type of light up dinosaur that burps coins and spins for $4 though. The best advice for this one is to keep a running list of toys you’re on the look out for and you just may find them!
Well, there you have it! The Best Open-Ended Toys on a Budget! Being frugal and living simply doesn’t have to mean you or your child can’t have wonderful toys to enjoy together.