
Discover Affordable Ways to Embrace Healthy Living on a Budget

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Discover tips for healthy living on a budget. Explore budget-friendly recipes, wellness advice, and lifestyle hacks for a vibrant life.

healthy living on a budget

Healthy Living on a Budget is Achievable

Do you want to live healthier, but you think it’s too expensive? According to a recent survey, finances are a major obstacle for many adults trying to shape up, especially during these times of recession! Everything seems to be getting more costly for our budgets. But here are some ideas to help overcome those high prices.

Almost 60% of Americans say that the high cost of health and wellness is a major barrier to living a healthy lifestyle, according to OnePoll, a marketing research company. The figure rises to 68% for those who live in cities.

Smart home gym equipment and meal subscription boxes could cost you thousands of dollars a year. However, there are many smart choices that are free or nearly free. Try these ideas for protecting your waistline and your budget.

Affordable Ways to Eat Healthy:

Eat at Home

Preparing meals at home can save a lot of money and give you more control over the ingredients. You’re likely to use much less sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats compared to most restaurants.

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Consume more plants

A plant-based diet can help the planet as well as your health, and it’s often cheaper than eating meat and other animal products. Load up on vegetables, fruits, lentils, beans, nuts, and seeds.

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Grow your food

You can garden even with limited time and space. Maybe you can use your backyard, balcony, or roof. Maybe you can grow herbs on your kitchen windowsill and hang a vertical garden on an outside wall.

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Shop the freezer aisle

It’s usually cheaper to buy frozen produce than fresh. It’s actually better for you as well, as it’s picked at it’s peak. It will also last longer in the freezer. It’s a win win all around.

Cut down on waste. 

Between 30 to 40% of the food supply goes to waste in the US. Do your part by buying only what you need and using up leftovers.

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    Affordable Ways to Work Out:

    Take a walk

    It’s convenient, free, and suitable for any fitness level. This is my favorite way to exercise and it’s something I can do with all 5 of my children. Head outside through the neighborhood or hit your favorite walking trail. The kids can ride in the stroller or on bikes near you.

    Do body weight exercises. 

    You can start your home gym with just a mat for doing pushups and crunches. Gradually pick up other low cost gear, like jump ropes and resistance bands. I see these items all the time at yard sales and thrift shops.

    Play outdoors

    Exercising feels like less work when you’re enjoying fresh air. Take your kids to the park and play with them. Wonderful memories and lots of good exercise!

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    Check community resources

    The website for your local recreation department may provide more fitness programs and facilities that cost less than commercial gyms. Try your neighborhood library too. I used to attend a low cost workout class at a local church. There are so many options out there in your community. Invite a friend to go too!

    Workout Videos

    My favorite place for online workouts is youtube. Completely free! Don’t forget, many of your favorite workouts may be available on demand for free or you can get the DVDs at the library as well.

      More Free Ways to Live Healthy:

      Sleep well

      Go to bed and wake up at a consistent time. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep each night. I need much more than that. Don’t be afraid to nap during the day if you can. A rested mama is a good mama!

      Manage stress

      Chronic tension causes inflammation and aggravates many medical conditions. Start a daily relaxation practice and practice deep breathing.

      Adjust your posture 

      Boost your circulation and maintain a healthy spine. Sit up straight when you’re working on your computer or watching TV.

      Weigh yourself

      Average lifetime weight gains are 22 pounds for women and 19 for men. Stop extra pounds from creeping up on you. Step on the scale at least once a week.

      Wash your hands

      You can lower your risk for respiratory infections by 20% just by washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Do it before and after eating food and using the bathroom.

      >> How to Make Homemade Foaming Hand Soap <<

        You can enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle without having to hire a private chef or a personal trainer. Develop daily habits that support your fitness goals and work within your budget.

        Want More Healthy Living on a Budget?

        Easy Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

        Affordable Low Carb Slow Cooker Meals You Need to Try

        How to Make Enchilada Stuffed Zucchini Boats

        There you have it! Super simple ways to healthy living on a budget. How do you live healthy without spending money? Let me know in the comments below!

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