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The Best Tips for How to Garden on a Budget

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Discover how to garden on a budget with these tips and tricks! Learn how to create a beautiful garden without breaking the bank. Start your green journey today!

garden on a budget

Anytime I even mention gardening as a means to save money, I have people flocking to the comments to remind me that gardening takes time, money, and space. As always, yes, if you think of traditional gardening, it does take all of those things. However; I don’t tend to do anything traditionally. I am frugal, homeschooling, large family mama. To prove my point, I asked some friends to provide me with their best frugal gardening tips to prove you can garden on a budget. Which will save you an exuberate amount of time, money, and space!

Plan Your Garden on a Budget

As with anything, you need a plan and a budget! You’ll need to know what you need, where you’ll put it, when to start, what you’ll grow, and more! Check out the FREE Garden Journal from Fluxing Well.

garden on a budget

Starting Seeds

The most frugal way to grow your own garden is going to be purchasing seeds. You can always buy plants that have been started for you, but that will cost more money, though it’s a good idea, if you’re a total newbie. You’ll want to start your seeds several months in advance.

Shop Dollar Tree for Cheap Seed Starter Supplies

Looking for affordable seed starting supplies? Look no further than your local dollar store. Dollar Tree is a hidden gem for finding a wide range of gardening items, including an amazing selection of organic seeds and other gardening tools.

Sow Your Seeds in the Winter Using Repurposed Milk Jugs

Winter Sowing is sowing your seeds in milk jugs or other plastic containers, and using them as mini-greenhouses outside in the middle of winter. Winter sowing is an easy, simple, inexpensive way to sow seeds.

Set Up a Low-Cost Seed Starting System

You don’t have to break the bank to get your seeds sprouting. Here are some cost-effective strategies for setting up your own seed starting system without sacrificing quality or results.

Make Eggshell Seed Planters

If you’re anxious to start planting once March rolls around, but it’s still a little too cold to have our seeds outside, eggshell seed planters are a great option! Start the seeds inside, then transplant the entire shell into your garden in a few weeks! Practical and eliminates waste.

Toilet Paper Roll Seedling Pots

Transform humble toilet paper rolls into nifty seedling pots that’s sure to make your garden flourish with a touch of your own artistic flair!

Budget-Friendly Tools and Supplies for Your Garden

Once you have your seeds started, it’s time to start putting together the space for your garden.

Easy DIY Raised Garden Beds for Any Size

If you’re planning a garden this spring, then you’ll love these easy DIY raised garden beds! They’re simple and affordable, and weeding is much easier!

Build A DIY Mini Greenhouse

Imagine harvesting fresh veggies from your garden even as snowflakes are falling! A DIY mini greenhouse for your garden bed might be your secret weapon for year-round growing.

DIY Garden Rock Markers to Label Your Outdoor Vegetable Plants

Check out these adorable DIY plant markers to label the outdoor fruits and vegetables in your garden! Learn how to make these DIY plant markers and get ideas on how to create your own with garden river rocks, modge podge, and paint.

DIY Wattle: Cheap Garden Fence

Is free cheap enough for a garden fence? Learn how to make this cheap garden fence using one of the oldest fencing methods on earth: wattle.

Creative Ways to Source Free or Low-Cost Garden Materials

It’s so simple to find free or low-cost garden materials. You just need to know where to find them! Here are a few ideas!

Regrow Lettuce From Scraps

You’re going to start by buying lettuce from the grocery store, hence regrowing lettuce from scraps. This tutorial won’t help you grow lettuce from seed.

Grow Rosemary From A Cutting

Rosemary is a must have herb for adding flavor for everything from roast potatoes and stews to cakes and biscuits. You’ll never need to use dried rosemary or buy expensive bunches from the store again once you grow your own. Find out how easy it is to grow rosemary from a cutting in a few simple steps.

Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed

Have you ever looked at the seeds in your lemons and wondered if you could plant them? It’s actually really easy to grow a lemon tree from seed. Find out two easy ways to sprout and grow a lemon tree from seed and also whether it’s really a good idea or not.

What to Do With Sticks in the Yard

Have you ever ended up with a pile of sticks in the yard and wondered what useful thing could be done with them? Here are over 25 practical ideas for using sticks and branches on the homestead.

How to Get Free Plants for Your Garden

Buying plants for your garden can add up quickly. Here are some easy ways to get free plants and get your garden going on the cheap!

Easily Grow Pothos From a Cutting

Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a very popular house plant. With it’s trailing vine like leaves, it’s a great indoor plant to grow on a shelf or plant stand. There’s no need to spend money buying more pothos plants as they are so easy to propagate.

Plant a Teabag Garden

I bet you are wondering what a teabag garden is, right? No, you are not growing herbs to put INTO the teabags! Instead, you take that leftover used teabag and repurpose it as a sprouting medium for your garden seeds.

Effective Strategies for Keeping Your Garden on a Budget Thriving

Once you have your garden growing, there are ways to keep saving, even year after year.

How to Save Seeds

Ever wondered how to keep your favorite veggies coming back year after year without buying new seeds? Here’s what you need to know.

Sowing Carrot and Lettuce Seeds with Cornstarch

Grow a large harvest of tasty and crunchy carrots and tons of bulky lettuce. It really does make a difference in the germination rate. This method keeps your seeds just wet enough without becoming soggy but also prevents any drying out.

Homemade Plant Food

It removes the need for store-bought fertilizer. And a natural fertilizer will ensure your plants stay healthy and uncontaminated by unnatural products commonly found in mass-produced fertilizer.

Divide Dahlia Tubers

Dahlias are terrific, low-maintenance, summer-blooming flowers. They are also budget-friendly because you can divide them to get more each year.

12 Tasty Weeds You Can Eat

Did you know many common weeds are edible — AND delicious? Not to mention incredibly nutritious. Yes, there are numerous weeds you can eat! Get to harvesting all that delicious, healthy, free food!

Easy Homemade Potting Soil

Potting soil is expensive & inconvenient. If you compost, homemade potting soil is easy!

Vegetables That Thrive Grown in Poor Soils

Fixing poor soil can be pricey and cause headaches. Imagine doing all that work and not yielding anything. These are 14 vegetables that thrive, even in poor soil.

Effective and Cheap Methods to Improve Poor Garden Soil

mproving your garden soil doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. With a few clever techniques, you can transform even the poorest soils into rich, fertile ground ready to support healthy plant growth.

There you have it! Amazing tips and tricks for how to garden on a budget! What are you budget gardening tips? Let me know down in the comments below!

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